Exhibition at Museum für Fotografie

A hundred years ago, the Great War ended in an armistice and the loss of 19 million lives. It was brought about by what that was meant to be a revolutionary struggle for freedom, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. In a new video installation, I try to understand how over the last century the assassin’s motives were interpreted, reformulated and ultimately contended by various powers and forces to fit their own narratives of the War and the Balkans in order to lay foundation of their raison d’état.

I will show this new piece in the group exhibition “Careful unrest – Seen by #11” at Museum für Fotografie, November 23th – January 13th. Opening on November 22nd, 7pm. Curated by Anna Voswinckel, including works by David Amberg, Umut Azad Akkel, Pharaz Azimi, Charlotte Eitelbach & Lou Hampel, Cornelia Fachinger, Mania Godarzani-Bakhtiari, Georgina Hill, Fee Hollmig, Itsthevibe, Annkathrin Kluss & Florian Mehmeti Löffler, Inia Steinbach, and Lisa Thieler. Invitation designed by Florian Mehmeti Löffler.